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Postcard From Invercargill, New Zealand

In this week's Postcard episode, we hear from Invercargill, New Zealand's southern-most city. It's a timely postcard, given the opening of the Covid-19 travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand this week.

Linc Pottinger fled his hometown as a young adult only to find himself drawn back and enamoured of its four-seasons-in-one-day weather, student town energy, and gateway proximity to incredible natural attractions including Stewart Island and the Fiordland National Park.

Linc shares his favourite way to eat the local delicacy, wild bluff oysters, and explains why he’s glad to call Invercargill home once more. His reasons include enormous natural beauty, quirky historic traits and some of the world's best auto and transport museums and festivals.

Fresh-shucked wild Bluff oysters

You'll hear why Invercargill is the home of women's suffrage, and why the locals call it the "City of Light and Water".

We love hearing from our Postcard guests about why they love where they live, and hope this Postcard From Invercargill inspires your wanderlust - or at least lets you armchair-travel for a short while.

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