Natascha Mirosch

Episode 50: Tips & Tales From Two Travellers Who've Been to Almost Every Country in the World

Updated: Aug 11, 2020


Can you imagine leaving everything - your job, friends, family, home and country, selling all your belongings and and leaving to see the world, with just a 10kg backpack? Two years ago, friends Rach Davey and Marty Sebova, aka Very Hungry Nomads, did just that, setting off on an ambitious adventure - to see every single country in the world (that's 195!)

Their aim was to inspire and empower (women especially) and to prove that ordinary people can do anything they put their mind to.

As Covid-19 shut down the world, they were very close to reaching the end of their challenge, with just 9 countries to go.

Temporarily grounded, the pair, who are currently using their enforced break from travel to ... travel Australia, took time to talk to ExtraVirgin Food and Travel about their adventure so far. We chat with them about:

  • Places that surprised them

  • Over-rated destinations

  • Their top 3 countries for food

  • How to negotiate travel in dangerous countries

  • What it's like spending nearly 2 years on the road.

  • Couch surfing and thwarting a kidnapping

  • In which countries you definitely need to take cash

  • Communicating on the road

  • The 9 countries they've yet to see and how they plan to tick them off in order to complete their big adventure.

It was so inspiring talking to Rach and Marty. They are genuinely curious, respectful travellers who are not just travelling to 'tick off' countries. If you'd like to keep up with where they've been and where they are going once the world is open for travel again, you can follow them at @veryhungrynomads on twitter, instagram or you can read their blog: