Natascha Mirosch

Catching up with our Covid subjects. Stockholm resident Therese Lindström

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

In April we did a podcast featuring five subjects from around the world and what life in the Covid crisis was like where they're from. In this blog series we catch up with them to find out what has changed (and what hasn't) here, we talk to a Therese Lindström from Stockholm.

"I am still in Stockholm, now on my summer holiday which will be mostly spend at home - only some travels in Sweden.

Our numbers in intensive care has been going down for quite a while, also number of deaths. Number of infected has gone up, but that has mostly to do with the fact that testing has increased a lot.

There are still some debates on what the right way is, still however trust in the authorities in charge - but support has declined. The critique is is mostly aimed at the failure of protecting the elderly living in nursing homes. It has been a lot of trouble in this sector for years and now the consequenses shows. My opinion and my way of living and dealing with it is the same.

I do not have the virus and have been tested negative for antibodies (in the massive testing that is now underway).

In the future it will for sure be a continued problem with pandemics, covid19 or others. I am more worried about the pandemics that will for sure follow and really hope it is taken seriously in prevention. I am trying and have been to keep a balanced approach that will be possible to uphold for a longer time, because I dont think it is ending.

I don't think the pandemic has had a long term impact on me but it shows it is important not to postpone anything and to care for your relationships that really matter, but from what I have already gone through that was already part of my view on life. "